!! This is an INP file for L3 PPP processing with EMX (NRCan FINAL Solution) !! satellite products to estimate reference coordinate for server processing !! or daily estimation of coordinate. IGS station TSK2 (Tsukuba2) is !! processed with sampling interval of 30 sec. (same with interval of !! satellite clock). NEW_BEIDOU_IOD 1 "1" ! Server ! ------ SERVER 1 "FILE" ## widget = combobox ## cards = FILE RTES4:host:port BNC:host:port RAW ## default = FILE ! Modulo coeficient ! ----------------- MODULOTIME 1 "30" ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 MODULOTIME_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 ! Random sleep time ! ----------------- RANDOMDELAY 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SERVER /= FILE AND SERVER /= RAW ## default = 0 ! Maximum time difference between observation in one epoch ! -------------------------------------------------------- MAXTDIFF 1 "0.2" ## widget = lineedit; default = 0.10 ! Maximum time to wait for the complete epoch ! ------------------------------------------- MAXTWAIT 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SERVER /= FILE OR RNXNRT == 1 AND SERVER /= RAW ## default = 5 ! Maximum processing delay ! ------------------------ MAXTDELAY 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SERVER /= FILE AND SERVER /= RAW ## default = 10 ! List of RINEX Observation Files ! ------------------------------- RNXOBS 2 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/RAW/tsk23590.12o" "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/RAW/tsk23600.12o" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_RAW; ext = EXT_RXO; maxfiles = 999 ## activeif = SERVER == FILE OR SERVER == RAW # SELECTED RNXNRT 1 "0" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = SERVER == FILE ## default = 0 ! Broadcast orbits ! ---------------- RNXNAV 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_RAW; ext = EXT_RXN; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true RNXNAV_CLK_ONLY 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = PREORB /= _ AND RNXNAV /= _ PRNEXCLUDED 0 ## widget = lineedit ORB_MAXAGE 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 4 ! Precise orbits ! -------------- PREORB 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/ORB/emx${GPSWD}.sp3" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = EXT_PRE; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true; default = igu${GPSWD}.sp3 # emx${GPSWD} SP3_USE_AFTER_BEG 0 ## widget = lineedit SP3_USE_AFTER_END 0 ## widget = lineedit ! External Satellite Clocks ! ------------------------- SATCLOCKFILE 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/ORB/emx${GPSWD}.clk" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT ## emptyallowed = true # emx${GPSWD}.clk ! Satellite Information ! --------------------- SATELL 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/ORB/SATELLIT." ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true # SATELLIT. ! Satellite Problems ! ------------------ SATCRUX 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/ORB/SAT_${YR4}.CRX" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true # SAT_${YR4}.CRX ! Station Info ! ------------ STAINFOFILE 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/STA/IGS_LOG_2012-12-19.CRD" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_STA; ext = EXT_CRD; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true # IGS_LOG_2012-12-19 PHASEMAP 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/GEN/I08.ATX" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true # I08.ATX OCEANLOAD 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/STA/IGS.BLQ" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true # IGS.BLQ ATMTIDES 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true ATMLOADING 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true GEOMAG 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true POLE 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true GPS-UTC 0 ## widget = lineedit DCBFILE_P1P2 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true DCBFILE_P1C1 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true CODE_BIAS_INPUT 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ATM; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true ! Ionosphere Model ! ---------------- IONOMODEL_NEQUICK 0 ## widget = checkbox IONOMODEL_NEQUICK_FLUX 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_NEQUICK == 1 IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ATM; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true IONOMODEL_IONEX_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ATM; ext = EXT_INX; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true ! State-Space Representation Input ! -------------------------------- INP_SSR_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_SSR; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true INP_SSR_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FMT 1 "SSR" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = SSR GPB INP_SSR_ORB 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_CLK 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_TRP 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_ION 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 S R INP_SSR_HRM_GPS 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_IOS_GPS 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FILE_2 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_SSR; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true INP_SSR_PORT_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FMT_2 1 "SSR" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = SSR GPB INP_SSR_ORB_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_CLK_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_TRP_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_ION_2 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 S R INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FILE_3 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_SSR; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true INP_SSR_PORT_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FMT_3 1 "SSR" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = SSR GPB INP_SSR_ORB_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_CLK_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_TRP_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_ION_3 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 S R INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FILE_4 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_SSR; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true INP_SSR_PORT_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FMT_4 1 "SSR" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = SSR GPB INP_SSR_ORB_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_CLK_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_TRP_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_ION_4 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 S R INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GPS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GPS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_QZSS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_QZSS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GLONASS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GLONASS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GALILEO 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GALILEO 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_COMPASS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_COMPASS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_MAXWAITTIME 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MAXAGE 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_APRSIG_IONO 0 ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_APRSIG_TROPO 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ RNXNAVCORR_BNC 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; ## cards = NONE STREAM FILE ## default = NONE RNXNAVCORR_BNC_HOSTPORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = RNXNAVCORR_BNC == STREAM RNXNAVCORR_BNC_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; activeif = RNXNAVCORR_BNC == FILE; emptyallowed = true ! Program Output File ! ------------------- SYSOUT 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/OUT/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX.OUT" ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_OUT ## emptyallowed = true ## default = RTNET_RUN # PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX SYSOUT_ROLLING 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = SYSOUT /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN SYSOUT_DETAILS 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = SYSOUT /= _ ## cards = BASIC DEBUG SYSOUT_SINGLE_FILE 0 ## widget = checkbox PRINT_RESID 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 PRINT_OBSINFO 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 1 PRINT_LAMBDA 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 PRINT_MARKEDFLAG 0 ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 MAXRMS_Q4 0 ## widget = lineedit MAXRMS_Q3 0 ## widget = lineedit MAXRMS_Q2 0 ## widget = lineedit ACCEPT_SIGMA_CRD 0 ## widget = lineedit ! Rinex Output Path ! ----------------- RXO_OUTPUTPATH 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_RNX; ext = EXT_RSO ## emptyallowed = true ! Output ! ------ OUT1_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; emptyallowed = true OUT1_FILE 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT ## emptyallowed = true OUT1_FMT 1 "BIN" ## widget = combobox ## cards = BIN SDO SDOGPB SP3 BNC TRP GIM INX GGK GGKM GGKML RAW ## activeif = OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_SSR 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT1_FMT == BIN AND OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_SMOOTHED 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT1_FMT == BIN AND OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_EPO 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT1_FMT == BIN AND OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_FLT 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT1_FMT == BIN AND OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_ROLL 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = OUT1_FILE /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN OUT1_ALIGN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = OUT1_PORT /= _ AND OUT1_FMT == BIN OUT2_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; emptyallowed = true OUT2_FILE 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT ## emptyallowed = true OUT2_FMT 0 ## widget = combobox ## cards = BIN SDO SDOGPB SP3 BNC TRP GIM INX GGK GGKM GGKML RAW ## activeif = OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_SSR 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT2_FMT == BIN AND OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_SMOOTHED 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT2_FMT == BIN AND OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_EPO 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT2_FMT == BIN AND OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_FLT 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT2_FMT == BIN AND OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_ROLL 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = OUT2_FILE /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN OUT2_ALIGN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = OUT2_PORT /= _ AND OUT2_FMT == BIN OUT3_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; emptyallowed = true OUT3_FILE 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT ## emptyallowed = true OUT3_FMT 0 ## widget = combobox ## cards = BIN SDO SDOGPB SP3 BNC TRP GIM INX GGK GGKM GGKML RAW ## activeif = OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_SSR 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT3_FMT == BIN AND OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_SMOOTHED 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT3_FMT == BIN AND OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_EPO 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT3_FMT == BIN AND OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_FLT 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT3_FMT == BIN AND OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_ROLL 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = OUT3_FILE /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN OUT3_ALIGN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = OUT3_PORT /= _ AND OUT3_FMT == BIN OUT4_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; emptyallowed = true OUT4_FILE 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT ## emptyallowed = true OUT4_FMT 0 ## widget = combobox ## cards = BIN SDO SDOGPB SP3 BNC TRP GIM INX GGK GGKM GGKML RAW ## activeif = OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_SSR 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT4_FMT == BIN AND OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_SMOOTHED 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT4_FMT == BIN AND OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_EPO 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT4_FMT == BIN AND OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_FLT 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT4_FMT == BIN AND OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_ROLL 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = OUT4_FILE /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN OUT4_ALIGN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = OUT4_PORT /= _ AND OUT4_FMT == BIN MINOBS_BANCROFT 1 "5" ## widget = spinbox; range = 4 10 1 ## default = 4 QUICKSTART 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 ! List of Processed Stations ! -------------------------- STALIST 1 "TSK2" "Y" "1.000e+01" "1.000e+01" "1.000e+01" "0.000e+00" "0.000e+00" "0.000e+00" "Y" "1.000e-01" "1.000e-05" "N" "0.000e+00" "0.000e+00" ## widget = uniline; numlines = 20 ! Square-Root Filter ! ------------------ USE_SRFILTER 1 "SquareRoot" ## widget = combobox; cards = SquareRoot Kalman Bayes UDU Cholesky ## default = SquareRoot ! Single-Epoch Solutions ! ---------------------- SINGLE_EPOCH 1 "NO" ## widget = combobox; cards = NO YES L1 L3 PPP ## default = NO DECIMATE_FILTER 0 ## widget = spinbox; range = 1 60 1 ## default = 1 ! Size of gap to reset ambiguities ! -------------------------------- SET_SLIP_AFTER_GAP 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 ! Reject CA observation if L1 missing ! ----------------------------------- CAREJECT_L1MISSING 0 ## widget = checkbox ! Eclipsing Satellites ! -------------------- HANDLE_ECLIPSING_SATELLITES 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = true ## cards = NO_ACTION REJECT EST_AMB EST_ORB ## default = NO_ACTION ! Linear Combination ! ----------------- USE_CODE_GPS 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF PL ## default = IF USE_PHASE_GPS 1 "IF" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 WL IF&GF ## default = IF USE_CODE_QZSS 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF PL ## default = IF USE_PHASE_QZSS 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 WL IF&GF ## default = IF USE_CODE_GLONASS 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF PL ## default = IF USE_PHASE_GLONASS 1 "IF" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 WL ## default = IF USE_CODE_GALILEO 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = true ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF ## default = IF USE_PHASE_GALILEO 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = true ## cards = 0 1 5 IF GF 1&5 WL ## default = IF USE_CODE_COMPASS 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF PL ## default = IF USE_PHASE_COMPASS 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 WL ## default = IF ! A Priori Sigma ! -------------- SIGMA_0_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GPS /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_PHASE 1 "0.005" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GPS /= 0 ## default = 0.02 SIGMA_0_QZSS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_QZSS /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_QZSS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_QZSS /= 0 ## default = 0.02 SIGMA_0_GLONASS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GLONASS /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_GLONASS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GLONASS /= 0 ## default = 0.02 SIGMA_0_GALILEO_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GALILEO /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_GALILEO_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GALILEO /= 0 ## default = 0.02 SIGMA_0_COMPASS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_COMPASS /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_COMPASS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_COMPASS /= 0 ## default = 0.02 USE_CODE_TYPES 0 ## widget = uniline; numlines = 4 ! Elevation-Dependent Weighting ! ----------------------------- ELLWGT_CODE 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = USE_CODE /= 0 ## default = 1 ELLWGT_PHASE 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = USE_PHASE /= 0 ## default = 1 ! Maximal Residuum ! ----------------- MAXRES_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GPS /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_PHASE 1 "0.03" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GPS /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_QZSS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_QZSS /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_QZSS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_QZSS /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_GLONASS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GLONASS /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_GLONASS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GLONASS /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_GALILEO_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GALILEO /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_GALILEO_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GALILEO /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_COMPASS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_COMPASS /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_COMPASS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_COMPASS /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_MAXITER 0 ## widget = lineedit; ## default = 999 ! Model parameters to output each epoch ! ------------------------------------- MODEL_OUTPUT 0 ## widget = lineedit ! A Priori Tropospheric Model ! --------------------------- TROPO 1 "UNB3M" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = NONE SAAST MARINI HOPF UNB3M GPT2 ## default = SAAST TROPOMFAPRIORI 1 "GMF_DRY" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = INTRINSIC DRY_NIELL GMF_DRY GMF_WET; activeif = TROPO == SAAST ## default = GMF_DRY TROPODRY 1 "0" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = TROPO /= NONE ## default = 0 ! Elevation Mask ! -------------- ELEMASK 1 "10" ## widget = lineedit ## default = 15 ! Time Window ! ----------- TIMWIN 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 WINSTART 1 "56285.00000000" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TIMWIN == 1 WINEND 1 "56286.99965278" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TIMWIN == 1 RESETAMBINTERVAL 0 ## widget = lineedit; ! Ionospheric Parameters ! ---------------------- SIONO_EST 0 ## widget = checkbox SIG_SIONO_0 1 "10.0" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SIONO_EST == 1 SIG_SIONO_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SIONO_EST == 1 SIONO_CONSTRAIN_TYPE 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = NO MINSKEL TINALL TINSAT ## activeif = SIONO_EST == 1 SIONO_CONSTRAIN_SIGMA 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SIONO_EST == 1 SIONO_GAPBRIDGING 0 ## widget = checkbox KLOBALPHA_EST 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE /= _ KLOBALPHA_SIG_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE /= _ AND KLOBALPHA_EST == 1 KLOBALPHA_SIG_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE /= _ AND KLOBALPHA_EST == 1 SOLARFLUX_EST 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = IONOMODEL_NEQUICK == 1 SOLARFLUX_SIG_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_NEQUICK == 1 AND SOLARFLUX_EST == 1 SOLARFLUX_SIG_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_NEQUICK == 1 AND SOLARFLUX_EST == 1 IONOGRID_EST 0 ## widget = checkbox IONOGRID_SIG_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 IONOGRID_SIG_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 IONOGRID_DLAT 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 IONOGRID_DLON 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 IONOGRID_CONSTRAIN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 GIM_EST 1 "NO" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = NO YES PARALLEL SIG_GIM_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST /= NO SIG_GIM_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST /= NO GIM_SIGMA_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST == PARALLEL GIM_SIGMA_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST == PARALLEL GIM_SIGMA_SIONO 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST == PARALLEL GIM_MAX_N 0 ## widget = spinbox; range = 0 15 1; activeif = GIM_EST /= NO L2C_BIAS_TRACKMODE 0 ## widget = lineedit TEC_NUMPAR 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 3 6 ## default = 0 SIG_TEC0_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 0 SIG_TEC0_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 0 SIG_TECN_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 1 SIG_TECN_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 1 SIG_TECE_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 1 SIG_TECE_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 1 SIG_TECNN_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECNN_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECNE_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECNE_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECEE_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECEE_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 TEC_SATSPEC 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 0 ## default = 0 ! FKP ! --- FKP_EST 0 ## widget = checkbox FKP_SIGMA_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = FKP_A_NE == 1 FKP_SIGMA_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = FKP_A_NE == 1 ! Ambiguity Resolution ! -------------------- AMBRES 1 "0" ## widget = checkbox AMBRES_MINEPO 1 "120" ## widget = lineedit; default = 10 AMBRES_MINELE 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 0 AMBRES_MINSAT 1 "5" ## widget = lineedit; default = 5 AMBRES_REPEAT 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox AMBRES_FIXWL 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = CHECK YES NO AMBRES_MINRATIO 1 "1.5" ## widget = lineedit; default = 1.5 AMBRES_MINRATIO_WL 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = AMBRES_FIXWL /= 0; default = 1.5 AMBRES_MINRATIO_WL_TIN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = AMBRES_FIXWL /= 0; default = 1.5 AMBRES_MINRATIO_TIN 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 1.5 AMBRES_MAXSHIFT_CONSIDER 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 0.2 AMBRES_MAXSHIFT_ACCEPT 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 0.1 AMBRES_MAXDX 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 0 AMBRES_TRY_TIN 0 ## widget = lineedit AMBRES_DUMP 0 ## widget = checkbox AMBRES_DUMP_OPT 0 ## widget = lineedit AMBRES_GLONASS 0 ## widget = checkbox; default = 0 AMBRES_GALILEO 0 ## widget = checkbox; default = 0 AMBRES_COMPASS 0 ## widget = checkbox; default = 0 ! Estimated Parameters ! -------------------- TROPOMFESTIM 1 "GMF_WET" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = COSZ WET_NIELL HOPF GMF_WET TROPO_UPDATEAPR 0 ## widget = checkbox TROPO_WHITENOISE 0 ## widget = checkbox SIG_AMB_0 1 "100" ## widget = lineedit ## default = 1000 SIG_AMB_P 1 "0.00" ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 CONSTRAIN_ZD_AMB 1 "0" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 CONSTRAIN_ZD_AMB_MINDDFIX 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 PAR_RECCLK 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 1 SIG_RECCLK_0 1 "1e4" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_RECCLK == 1 ## default = 1e4 SIG_RECCLK_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_RECCLK == 1 ## default = 1e4 PAR_SATCLK 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 ## default = 1 REF_SATCLK 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = PAR_SATCLK /= 0 ## default = 1 SIG_SATCLK_0 1 "1e4" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_SATCLK /= 0 ## default = 1e4 SIG_SATCLK_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_SATCLK == S SIG_SATCLKVEL_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_SATCLK == L ## default = 1e4 SIG_SATCLKVEL_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_SATCLK == L SIG_R_ORBCORR_0 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_A_ORBCORR_0 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_C_ORBCORR_0 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_R_ORBCORR_P 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_A_ORBCORR_P 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_C_ORBCORR_P 0 ## widget = lineedit ! Receiver/satellite and LC specific delays ! ----------------------------------------- RECDELAYLIST 1 "GpMW" "10.0" "Inf" ## widget = uniline; numlines = 5 SATDELAYLIST 0 ## widget = uniline; numlines = 5 SATDELAY_CONSTRAINIF 0 SATDELAYSMOOTH 0 ## widget = lineedit CODE_BIAS_OUTPUT 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_ATM; ext = NO_EXT ## emptyallowed = true ! Glonass inter-frequency biases ! ----------------------------------------- PAR_IFB 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = AMBRES_GLONASS == 1 SIG_IFB_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = AMBRES_GLONASS == 1 ! Glonass inter-system bias ! ----------------------------------------- PAR_ISB_GLONASS 0 ## widget = checkbox SIG_ISB_GLONASS_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_ISB_GLONASS == 1 SIG_ISB_GLONASS_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_ISB_GLONASS == 1 SSR_OUTPUT_CLK_ADD_CODE_BIAS 0 ## widget = lineedit SSR_OUTPUT_CLK_ADD_CODE_BIAS_THRESHOLD 0 ## widget = lineedit SSR_OUTPUT_MINOBS 0 ## widget = lineedit SSR_OUTPUT_MINEPOCHS 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_RNXOUTPATH 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_LIST 0 ## widget = uniline; numlines = 5 GRS_OUTSOCKET_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_OUTSOCKET_ONDEMAND_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_MINSTAFIX 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_TRKMODE 0 ## widget = uniline; numlines = 4 ! Precise Orbit Determination ! --------------------------- ESTIMATE_ORBITS 0 ## widget = checkbox POD_PRNS 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_GRAVITY_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; maxfiles = 1; emptyallowed = true POD_GRAV_M_MAX 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_GRAV_N_MAX 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_SIG_POS 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_NOISE_POS 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_SIG_VEL 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_NOISE_VEL 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_EST_DRAG 0 ## widget = checkbox POD_APR_DRAG 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_SIG_DRAG 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = POD_EST_DRAG == 1 POD_NOISE_DRAG 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = POD_EST_DRAG == 1 POD_EST_RAD 0 ## widget = checkbox POD_APR_RAD 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_SIG_RAD 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = POD_EST_RAD == 1 POD_NOISE_RAD 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = POD_EST_RAD == 1 POD_POS_CONSTR 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_VEL_CONSTR 0 ## widget = lineedit ! Menu-Keywords ! ------------- ROOT_DIR 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${P} # GPSDATA_T CAMPAIGN 1 "PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX" ## widget = selwin; selsubdir = true; path = ROOT_DIR; # PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX PTH_RTNET_ATM 0 ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/ATM PTH_RTNET_GEN 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/GEN/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/GEN # GEN PTH_RTNET_ORB 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/ORB/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/ORB # ORB PTH_RTNET_ORB_global 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/ORB/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/ORB # ORB PTH_RTNET_OUT 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/OUT/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/OUT # OUT PTH_RTNET_RAW 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/RAW/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/RAW # RAW PTH_RTNET_STA 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_T/PP_PPP_STATIC_GFRF_L3_EMX/STA/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/STA # STA PTH_RTNET_RNX 0 ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/RNX EXT_CRD 1 "CRD" ## widget = lineedit; default = CRD EXT_SSR 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = SSR EXT_INX 1 "INX" ## widget = lineedit; default = INX EXT_OUT 1 "OUT" ## widget = lineedit; default = OUT EXT_PRE 1 "sp3" ## widget = lineedit; default = SP3 EXT_RXN 1 "??N" ## widget = lineedit; default = ??N EXT_RXO 1 "??O" ## widget = lineedit; default = ??O EXT_RSN 1 "RXN" ## widget = lineedit; default = RXN EXT_RSO 1 "RXO" ## widget = lineedit; default = RXO ! END OF INPUT ! include intro_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ##################################################### # Configurations # # Campaign Root Dir > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # ROOT_DIR # Active Campaign > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # CAMPAIGN # # # Paths to Files: # # Atmospheric (ATM) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_ATM # General (GEN) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_GEN # My Orbits (ORB) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_ORB # System Orbits (ORB) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_ORB_global # Output (OUT) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_OUT # Raw GNSS Data (RAW) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_RAW # RINEX Output (RNX) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_RNX # Station Info (STA) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_STA # # # File Extensions: # # Coordinates (CRD) > %%% < Output (OUT) > %%% < # EXT_CRD EXT_OUT # State-Space Repr. (SSR) > %%% < Precise Orbits (SP3) > %%% < # EXT_SSR EXT_PRE # Global Iono Model (INX) > %%% < RINEX Obs Output (RXO) > %%% < # EXT_INX EXT_RSO # RINEX Obs Input (??O) > %%% < RINEX Nav Output (RXN) > %%% < # EXT_RXO EXT_RSN # RINEX Nav Input (??N) > %%% < # EXT_RXN # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Configurations_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ##################################################### # Input Devices 1 # # # # Server: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # SERVER # RINEX File(s): > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < NRT > % < # RNXOBS RNXNRT # # # Time tolerance for epoch identification: > %%%%% < (seconds) # MAXTDIFF # Maximum time to wait for the complete epoch: > %%%%% < (seconds) # MAXTWAIT # Maximum processing delay: > %%%%% < (seconds) # MAXTDELAY # Sampling (general): > %%%%% < (seconds) # MODULOTIME # Sampling (code): > %%%%% < (seconds) # MODULOTIME_CODE # Sleep time before processing (randomized): > %%%%% < (seconds) # RANDOMDELAY # # # Orbits: # # RINEX Navigation File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < clk only > % < # RNXNAV RNXNAV_CLK_ONLY # Orbit max. age (hour) > %%% < # ORB_MAXAGE # Precise Orbits File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < use > %% <-> %% < # PREORB SP3_USE_AFTER_BEG SP3_USE_AFTER_END # External Sat. Clocks. > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # SATCLOCKFILE # Satellite Info > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # SATELL # Satellite Problems > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # SATCRUX # PRN Exclude: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PRNEXCLUDED # # # Coordinates and Info: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # STAINFOFILE # Phase Center Map > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PHASEMAP # Ocean Loading > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # OCEANLOAD # Atmospheric Tides > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # ATMTIDES # Atmospheric Loading > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # ATMLOADING # Geomagnetic Field (2nd order iono) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # GEOMAG # Pole File (IERS or Bernese Format) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # POLE # GPS-UTC > %%%% < # GPS-UTC # Satellite DCBs P1-P2 (IONEX or *.DCB)> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # DCBFILE_P1P2 # Satellite DCBs P1-C1 (IONEX or *.DCB)> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # DCBFILE_P1C1 # Code Biases (satellite and receiver) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # CODE_BIAS_INPUT # # # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Input_Devices_Part_1_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ########################################################################### # Input Devices 2 # # # # Orbit, Clock, and other SSR Corrections: Format # # Input 1: File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < Host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%% < # INP_SSR_FILE INP_SSR_PORT INP_SSR_FMT # Input 2: File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < Host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%% < # INP_SSR_FILE_2 INP_SSR_PORT_2 INP_SSR_FMT_2 # Input 3: File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < Host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%% < # INP_SSR_FILE_3 INP_SSR_PORT_3 INP_SSR_FMT_3 # Input 4: File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < Host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%% < # INP_SSR_FILE_4 INP_SSR_PORT_4 INP_SSR_FMT_4 # # # HRM for systems: IonoS for systems: # # orb clk trp ion G J R E C G J R E C # # Input 1: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_ORB INP_SSR_CLK INP_SSR_TRP INP_SSR_ION INP_SSR_HRM_GPS INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS INP_SSR_IOS_GPS INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS # Input 2: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_ORB_2 INP_SSR_CLK_2 INP_SSR_TRP_2 INP_SSR_ION_2 INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_2 INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_2 INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_2 INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_2 INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_2 INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_2 INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_2 INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_2 INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_2 INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_2 # Input 3: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_ORB_3 INP_SSR_CLK_3 INP_SSR_TRP_3 INP_SSR_ION_3 INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_3 INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_3 INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_3 INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_3 INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_3 INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_3 INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_3 INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_3 INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_3 INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_3 # Input 4: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_ORB_4 INP_SSR_CLK_4 INP_SSR_TRP_4 INP_SSR_ION_4 INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_4 INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_4 INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_4 INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_4 INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_4 INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_4 INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_4 INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_4 INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_4 INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_4 # Min SD: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GPS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_QZSS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GLONASS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GALILEO INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_COMPASS # Min SD (AR): >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GPS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_QZSS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GLONASS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GALILEO INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_COMPASS # # # Wait time > %%% < Max Age > %% < # INP_SSR_MAXWAITTIME INP_SSR_CORR_MAXAGE # Constrain: iono > %%%%% < tropo > %%%%% < # INP_SSR_APRSIG_IONO INP_SSR_APRSIG_TROPO # # # Corrections BNC: > %%%%%%% < # RNXNAVCORR_BNC # host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # RNXNAVCORR_BNC_HOSTPORT # file > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # RNXNAVCORR_BNC_FILE # # # Ionospheric Model: # # NeQuick Model > % < Solar Flux > %%%%% < # IONOMODEL_NEQUICK IONOMODEL_NEQUICK_FLUX # Klobuchar Model > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE # IONEX: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # IONOMODEL_IONEX_FILE # # # END_PANEL ########################################################################################## ! include panel_Input_Devices_Part_2_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ###################################################################### # Output Devices # # # # Log File: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < rolling interval > %%%%%% < # SYSOUT SYSOUT_ROLLING # details > %%%%%% < single file > % < # SYSOUT_DETAILS SYSOUT_SINGLE_FILE # print: residual > % < obs info > % < # PRINT_RESID PRINT_OBSINFO # Lambda > % < mark flags > % < # PRINT_LAMBDA PRINT_MARKEDFLAG # # # Output Ports/Files # # port file fmt ssr epo flt sm rolling align (s) # # > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < >%< >%< >%< >%< > %%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # OUT1_PORT OUT1_FILE OUT1_FMT OUT1_SSR OUT1_EPO OUT1_FLT OUT1_SMOOTHED OUT1_ROLL OUT1_ALIGN # > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < >%< >%< >%< >%< > %%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # OUT2_PORT OUT2_FILE OUT2_FMT OUT2_SSR OUT2_EPO OUT2_FLT OUT2_SMOOTHED OUT2_ROLL OUT2_ALIGN # > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < >%< >%< >%< >%< > %%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # OUT3_PORT OUT3_FILE OUT3_FMT OUT3_SSR OUT3_EPO OUT3_FLT OUT3_SMOOTHED OUT3_ROLL OUT3_ALIGN # > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < >%< >%< >%< >%< > %%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # OUT4_PORT OUT4_FILE OUT4_FMT OUT4_SSR OUT4_EPO OUT4_FLT OUT4_SMOOTHED OUT4_ROLL OUT4_ALIGN # # # Add code bias after > %%%%% < sec Threshold > %%%% < meters # SSR_OUTPUT_CLK_ADD_CODE_BIAS SSR_OUTPUT_CLK_ADD_CODE_BIAS_THRESHOLD # Min. Number of Obs. > %% < # SSR_OUTPUT_MINOBS # Min. Number of Epochs > %% < # SSR_OUTPUT_MINEPOCHS # # # Quality Flg (max RMS) > %%%%% < (Q4) > %%%%% < (Q3) > %%%%% < (Q2) # MAXRMS_Q4 MAXRMS_Q3 MAXRMS_Q2 # Accept Coordinates (3D Sigma) > %%%%% < # ACCEPT_SIGMA_CRD # # # RXO Output Path/Name > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # RXO_OUTPUTPATH # # # END_PANEL ##################################################################################### ! include panel_Output_Devices_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ##################################################### # Processing Options # # # # Use Square-Root Filter > %%%%%%%%%% < # USE_SRFILTER # Compute Epoch Solutions > %%%%% < # SINGLE_EPOCH # Decimate Filter Solution by > %%%%% < # DECIMATE_FILTER # Reset ambiguities after gap > %%%%% < (epochs) # SET_SLIP_AFTER_GAP # Reject CA if L1 missing > % < # CAREJECT_L1MISSING # Eclipsing Satellites > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # HANDLE_ECLIPSING_SATELLITES # # # Observations: # # LC Sigma Max.Res # # GPS code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_GPS SIGMA_0_CODE MAXRES_CODE # GPS phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_GPS SIGMA_0_PHASE MAXRES_PHASE # QZSS code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_QZSS SIGMA_0_QZSS_CODE MAXRES_QZSS_CODE # QZSS phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_QZSS SIGMA_0_QZSS_PHASE MAXRES_QZSS_PHASE # Glonass code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_GLONASS SIGMA_0_GLONASS_CODE MAXRES_GLONASS_CODE # Glonass phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_GLONASS SIGMA_0_GLONASS_PHASE MAXRES_GLONASS_PHASE # Galileo code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_GALILEO SIGMA_0_GALILEO_CODE MAXRES_GALILEO_CODE # Galileo phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_GALILEO SIGMA_0_GALILEO_PHASE MAXRES_GALILEO_PHASE # Compass code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_COMPASS SIGMA_0_COMPASS_CODE MAXRES_COMPASS_CODE # Compass phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_COMPASS SIGMA_0_COMPASS_PHASE MAXRES_COMPASS_PHASE # # # Max iterations for residual editing: > %%% < # MAXRES_MAXITER # Elevation-Dependent Weighting: code > % < phase > % < # ELLWGT_CODE ELLWGT_PHASE # # # Tropospheric Model > %%%%%%% < Mapping > %%%%%%%%%% < Dry Part Only > % < # TROPO TROPOMFAPRIORI TROPODRY # # # Elevation Mask > %%%% < (degrees) # ELEMASK # # # Time Window > % < Start > %%%%%%%%%%% < End > %%%%%%%%%%% < (MJD) # TIMWIN WINSTART WINEND # # # Model Output > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # MODEL_OUTPUT # # # Force Tracking Modes: # # > frequency mode_code mode_phase station < # USE_CODE_TYPES # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Processing_Options_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ########################################################################## # Processed Stations # # # # Minimal Number of Observations for Bancroft Algorithm > % < # MINOBS_BANCROFT # # # Tropsphere: Mapping > %%%%%%%%% < # TROPOMFESTIM # Update A Priori > % < # TROPO_UPDATEAPR # White Noise > % < # TROPO_WHITENOISE # # # Quick Start (seconds) > %%% < # QUICKSTART # # #> Name Type sig0_n sig0_e sig0_u sigP_n sigP_e sigP_u tropo sig0_t sigP_t grad sig0_g sigP_g IFB < # STALIST # # # END_PANEL ######################################################################################### ! include panel_Processed_Stations_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ##################################################### # Estimated Parameters 1 # # A Priori Sigmas # # initial prediction # # Ambiguities: resolve > % < > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < cyc # AMBRES SIG_AMB_0 SIG_AMB_P # Constrain ZD > % < Min. fixed DD > %% < # CONSTRAIN_ZD_AMB CONSTRAIN_ZD_AMB_MINDDFIX # Reset Inteval > %%%% < (Testing) # RESETAMBINTERVAL # # # Rec. Clk > % < > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < # PAR_RECCLK SIG_RECCLK_0 SIG_RECCLK_P # Sat. Clk > %%%% < ref.> % < > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < # PAR_SATCLK REF_SATCLK SIG_SATCLK_0 SIG_SATCLK_P # Sat. Clk. Drift > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_SATCLKVEL_0 SIG_SATCLKVEL_P # # # Precise Orbit Determination > % < # ESTIMATE_ORBITS # # # Orbit corrections: Radial > %%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_R_ORBCORR_0 SIG_R_ORBCORR_P # Along track > %%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_A_ORBCORR_0 SIG_A_ORBCORR_P # Cross track > %%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_C_ORBCORR_0 SIG_C_ORBCORR_P # # # Inter-System Biases > % < > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < # PAR_ISB_GLONASS SIG_ISB_GLONASS_0 SIG_ISB_GLONASS_P # # # Store estimated biases: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # CODE_BIAS_OUTPUT # # # Inter-frequency biases (Glonass) # # estimate inter-frequncy biases > % < constrain (m) > %%%% < # PAR_IFB SIG_IFB_0 # # # Smoothing > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # SATDELAYSMOOTH # # # Receiver delays Satellite delays # # > LC sig_0 sig_P C< > LC sig_0 sig_P C< # RECDELAYLIST SATDELAYLIST # # # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Estimated_Parameters_1_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ########################################################################### # Estimated Ionosphere # # est. A Priori Sigmas # # initial prediction # # Stochastic > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < constr. > %%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < gap bridging > % < # SIONO_EST SIG_SIONO_0 SIG_SIONO_P SIONO_CONSTRAIN_TYPE SIONO_CONSTRAIN_SIGMA SIONO_GAPBRIDGING # # # Klobuchar > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # KLOBALPHA_EST KLOBALPHA_SIG_0 KLOBALPHA_SIG_P # # # Solar Flux > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SOLARFLUX_EST SOLARFLUX_SIG_0 SOLARFLUX_SIG_P # # # Grid > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < sat. specific: no # IONOGRID_EST IONOGRID_SIG_0 IONOGRID_SIG_P # dPhi (deg) > %%%% < # IONOGRID_DLAT # dLam (deg) > %%%% < # IONOGRID_DLON # constrain > %%%% < # IONOGRID_CONSTRAIN # # # GIM > %%%%%%%% < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < degree/order > %%% < # GIM_EST SIG_GIM_0 SIG_GIM_P GIM_MAX_N # sigma code > %%%%%% < # GIM_SIGMA_CODE # sigma phase > %%%%%% < # GIM_SIGMA_PHASE # sigma stoch.delay > %%%%%% < # GIM_SIGMA_SIONO # # # L2C bias: tracking mode > %%% < # L2C_BIAS_TRACKMODE # # # TEC Model: > %% < sat. specific > % < # TEC_NUMPAR TEC_SATSPEC # TEC0 > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TEC0_0 SIG_TEC0_P # TECN > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECN_0 SIG_TECN_P # TECE > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECE_0 SIG_TECE_P # TECNN > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECNN_0 SIG_TECNN_P # TECNE > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECNE_0 SIG_TECNE_P # TECEE > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECEE_0 SIG_TECEE_P # # # FKP: aN, aE > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < sat. specific: yes # FKP_EST FKP_SIGMA_0 FKP_SIGMA_P # # # END_PANEL ########################################################################################## ! include panel_Estimated_Parameters_2_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL AMBRES == 1 ###################################################### # Ambiguity Resolution # # # # Glonass > % < Galileo > % < Compass > % < # AMBRES_GLONASS AMBRES_GALILEO AMBRES_COMPASS # # # Minimum number of: epochs > %%%% < ambiguities > %%%% < # AMBRES_MINEPO AMBRES_MINSAT # Minimal elevation (degrees) > %%%% < # AMBRES_MINELE # Repeat reduced sets > % < Fix wide-lane > %%%% < # AMBRES_REPEAT AMBRES_FIXWL # Minimal Ratios: narrow-lane > %%%% < wide-lane > %%%% < # AMBRES_MINRATIO AMBRES_MINRATIO_WL # Maximal Shift: consider > %%%% < accept > %%%% < # AMBRES_MAXSHIFT_CONSIDER AMBRES_MAXSHIFT_ACCEPT # Max Diff. wrt A Priori Coordinates > %%%% < # AMBRES_MAXDX # # # Try TIN Baselines up to (km) > %%% < # AMBRES_TRY_TIN # TIN Minimal Ratio: narrow-lane > %%%% < wide-lane > %%%% < # AMBRES_MINRATIO_TIN AMBRES_MINRATIO_WL_TIN # # # Dump > % < # AMBRES_DUMP # Minimal elevation/Min. fix period > %%%%%%%%% < # AMBRES_DUMP_OPT # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Ambiguity_Resolution_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ############################################################################### # Virtual Reference Stations # # # # Generate GRS Data RINEX Path > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # GRS_RNXOUTPATH # Port (predefined) > %%%% < # GRS_OUTSOCKET_PORT # Port (on-demand) > %%%% < # GRS_OUTSOCKET_ONDEMAND_PORT # Min. fixed stations > %%%% < # GRS_MINSTAFIX # GRS Tracking Mode # # > ID__ _________X_(m) _________Y_(m) _________Z_(m) ______antennaID_ < > Frequency ___mode_ID < # GRS_LIST GRS_TRKMODE # # # END_PANEL ############################################################################################## ! include panel_GRS_Info_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL ESTIMATE_ORBITS == 1 ############################################# # Precise Orbit Determination # # # # Satellites > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < (blank = all) # POD_PRNS # # # Gravity Field > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < degree > %%% < order > %%% < # POD_GRAVITY_FILE POD_GRAV_N_MAX POD_GRAV_M_MAX # # # A Priori Sigmas # # est. apr. val initial prediction # # Initial Position > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < (r,a,o) # POD_SIG_POS POD_NOISE_POS # Initial Velocity > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < (r,a,o) # POD_SIG_VEL POD_NOISE_VEL # Atmospheric Drag > % < > %%%% < > %%%%%% < > %%%%% < # POD_EST_DRAG POD_APR_DRAG POD_SIG_DRAG POD_NOISE_DRAG # Radiation Pressure > % < > %%%% < > %%%%%% < > %%%%% < # POD_EST_RAD POD_APR_RAD POD_SIG_RAD POD_NOISE_RAD # # # Constrain Position > %%%%% < # POD_POS_CONSTR # Constrain Velocity > %%%%% < # POD_VEL_CONSTR # END_PANEL ####################################################################