!! This is an INP file to process UNAVCO real-time data in network !! kinematic mode with ambiguity resolution with IGU predicted !! satellite product. P1/P2/L1/L2 is used. Sampling rate is set as 5 sec. NEW_BEIDOU_IOD 1 "1" ! Server ! ------ SERVER 1 "RTES4:" ## widget = combobox ## cards = FILE RTES4:host:port BNC:host:port RAW ## default = FILE ! Modulo coeficient ! ----------------- MODULOTIME 1 "5" ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 MODULOTIME_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 ! Random sleep time ! ----------------- RANDOMDELAY 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SERVER /= FILE AND SERVER /= RAW ## default = 0 ! Maximum time difference between observation in one epoch ! -------------------------------------------------------- MAXTDIFF 1 "0.2" ## widget = lineedit; default = 0.10 ! Maximum time to wait for the complete epoch ! ------------------------------------------- MAXTWAIT 1 "90" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SERVER /= FILE OR RNXNRT == 1 AND SERVER /= RAW ## default = 5 ! Maximum processing delay ! ------------------------ MAXTDELAY 1 "120" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SERVER /= FILE AND SERVER /= RAW ## default = 10 ! List of RINEX Observation Files ! ------------------------------- RNXOBS 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_RAW; ext = EXT_RXO; maxfiles = 999 ## activeif = SERVER == FILE OR SERVER == RAW RNXNRT 1 "0" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = SERVER == FILE ## default = 0 ! Broadcast orbits ! ---------------- RNXNAV 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_RAW; ext = EXT_RXN; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true RNXNAV_CLK_ONLY 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = PREORB /= _ AND RNXNAV /= _ PRNEXCLUDED 0 ## widget = lineedit ORB_MAXAGE 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 4 ! Precise orbits ! -------------- PREORB 1 "/data/mirror/igs/products/${GPSW}/igu${GPSWD}_${INDEX}.sp3.gz" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = EXT_PRE; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true; default = igu${GPSWD}.sp3 # igu${GPSWD}_${INDEX}.sp3 SP3_USE_AFTER_BEG 0 ## widget = lineedit SP3_USE_AFTER_END 0 ## widget = lineedit ! External Satellite Clocks ! ------------------------- SATCLOCKFILE 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT ## emptyallowed = true ! Satellite Information ! --------------------- SATELL 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true ! Satellite Problems ! ------------------ SATCRUX 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true ! Station Info ! ------------ STAINFOFILE 1 "${R}/RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU/STA/UNAVCO.CRD" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_STA; ext = EXT_CRD; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true # UNAVCO PHASEMAP 1 "/home/tester/RT/COMMON/GEN/igs08.atx" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true # I08_TED.ATX OCEANLOAD 1 "${R}/RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU/GEN/UNAVCO.BLQ" ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true # UNAVCO.BLQ ATMTIDES 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true ATMLOADING 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true GEOMAG 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_GEN; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true POLE 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true GPS-UTC 1 "16" ## widget = lineedit DCBFILE_P1P2 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true DCBFILE_P1C1 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ORB; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true CODE_BIAS_INPUT 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ATM; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true ! Ionosphere Model ! ---------------- IONOMODEL_NEQUICK 0 ## widget = checkbox IONOMODEL_NEQUICK_FLUX 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_NEQUICK == 1 IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ATM; ext = NO_EXT; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true IONOMODEL_IONEX_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_ATM; ext = EXT_INX; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true ! State-Space Representation Input ! -------------------------------- INP_SSR_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_SSR; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true INP_SSR_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_ORB 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_CLK 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_TRP 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_ION 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 S R INP_SSR_HRM_GPS 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_IOS_GPS 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FILE_2 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_SSR; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true INP_SSR_PORT_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_ORB_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_CLK_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_TRP_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_ION_2 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 S R INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_2 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_2 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FILE_3 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_SSR; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true INP_SSR_PORT_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_ORB_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_CLK_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_TRP_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_ION_3 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 S R INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_3 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_3 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_FILE_4 0 ## widget = selwin; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_SSR; maxfiles = 1 ## emptyallowed = true INP_SSR_PORT_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_ORB_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_CLK_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_TRP_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_ION_4 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 S R INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_4 0 ## widget = checkbox INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_4 0 ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GPS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GPS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_QZSS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_QZSS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GLONASS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GLONASS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GALILEO 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GALILEO 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_COMPASS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_COMPASS 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_MAXWAITTIME 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_CORR_MAXAGE 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ INP_SSR_APRSIG_IONO 0 ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ ## widget = lineedit INP_SSR_APRSIG_TROPO 0 ## widget = lineedit ## activeif = INP_SSR_FILE /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_2 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_3 /= _ OR INP_SSR_FILE_4 /= _ OR INP_SSR_PORT_4 /= _ RNXNAVCORR_BNC 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; ## cards = NONE STREAM FILE ## default = NONE RNXNAVCORR_BNC_HOSTPORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = RNXNAVCORR_BNC == STREAM RNXNAVCORR_BNC_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; activeif = RNXNAVCORR_BNC == FILE; emptyallowed = true ! Program Output File ! ------------------- SYSOUT 1 "${R}/RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU/OUT/RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU.OUT" ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT; ext = EXT_OUT ## emptyallowed = true ## default = RTNET_RUN # RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU SYSOUT_ROLLING 1 "1_HOUR" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = SYSOUT /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN SYSOUT_DETAILS 1 "BASIC" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = SYSOUT /= _ ## cards = BASIC DEBUG SYSOUT_SINGLE_FILE 0 ## widget = checkbox PRINT_RESID 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 PRINT_OBSINFO 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 1 PRINT_LAMBDA 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 PRINT_MARKEDFLAG 0 ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 MAXRMS_Q4 0 ## widget = lineedit MAXRMS_Q3 0 ## widget = lineedit MAXRMS_Q2 0 ## widget = lineedit ACCEPT_SIGMA_CRD 0 ## widget = lineedit ! Rinex Output Path ! ----------------- RXO_OUTPUTPATH 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_RNX; ext = EXT_RSO ## emptyallowed = true ! Output ! ------ OUT1_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; emptyallowed = true OUT1_FILE 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT ## emptyallowed = true OUT1_FMT 0 ## widget = combobox ## cards = BIN SDO SP3 BNC TRP GIM INX GGK GGKM GGKML RAW ## activeif = OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_SSR 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT1_FMT == BIN AND OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_SMOOTHED 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT1_FMT == BIN AND OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_EPO 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT1_FMT == BIN AND OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_FLT 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT1_FMT == BIN AND OUT1_PORT /= _ OR OUT1_FILE /= _ OUT1_ROLL 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = OUT1_FILE /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN OUT1_ALIGN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = OUT1_PORT /= _ AND OUT1_FMT == BIN OUT2_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; emptyallowed = true OUT2_FILE 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT ## emptyallowed = true OUT2_FMT 0 ## widget = combobox ## cards = BIN SDO SP3 BNC TRP GIM INX GGK GGKM GGKML RAW ## activeif = OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_SSR 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT2_FMT == BIN AND OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_SMOOTHED 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT2_FMT == BIN AND OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_EPO 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT2_FMT == BIN AND OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_FLT 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT2_FMT == BIN AND OUT2_PORT /= _ OR OUT2_FILE /= _ OUT2_ROLL 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = OUT2_FILE /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN OUT2_ALIGN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = OUT2_PORT /= _ AND OUT2_FMT == BIN OUT3_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; emptyallowed = true OUT3_FILE 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT ## emptyallowed = true OUT3_FMT 0 ## widget = combobox ## cards = BIN SDO SP3 BNC TRP GIM INX GGK GGKM GGKML RAW ## activeif = OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_SSR 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT3_FMT == BIN AND OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_SMOOTHED 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT3_FMT == BIN AND OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_EPO 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT3_FMT == BIN AND OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_FLT 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT3_FMT == BIN AND OUT3_PORT /= _ OR OUT3_FILE /= _ OUT3_ROLL 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = OUT3_FILE /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN OUT3_ALIGN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = OUT3_PORT /= _ AND OUT3_FMT == BIN OUT4_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit; emptyallowed = true OUT4_FILE 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_OUT ## emptyallowed = true OUT4_FMT 0 ## widget = combobox ## cards = BIN SDO SP3 BNC TRP GIM INX GGK GGKM GGKML RAW ## activeif = OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_SSR 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT4_FMT == BIN AND OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_SMOOTHED 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT4_FMT == BIN AND OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_EPO 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT4_FMT == BIN AND OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_FLT 0 ## widget = checkbox ## activeif = OUT4_FMT == BIN AND OUT4_PORT /= _ OR OUT4_FILE /= _ OUT4_ROLL 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; activeif = OUT4_FILE /= _ ## cards = NO 1_DAY 1_HOUR 30_MIN 20_MIN 10_MIN OUT4_ALIGN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = OUT4_PORT /= _ AND OUT4_FMT == BIN MINOBS_BANCROFT 0 ## widget = spinbox; range = 4 10 1 ## default = 4 QUICKSTART 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 ! List of Processed Stations ! -------------------------- STALIST 6 "P363" "Y" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "Y" "1.000e-01" "1.000e-05" "N" "0.000e+00" "0.000e+00" "P373" "Y" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "Y" "1.000e-01" "1.000e-05" "N" "0.000e+00" "0.000e+00" "P732" "Y" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "Y" "1.000e-01" "1.000e-05" "N" "0.000e+00" "0.000e+00" "P733" "N" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "Y" "1.000e-01" "1.000e-05" "N" "0.000e+00" "0.000e+00" "P735" "Y" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "Y" "1.000e-01" "1.000e-05" "N" "0.000e+00" "0.000e+00" "P736" "Y" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "1.000e+02" "Y" "1.000e-01" "1.000e-05" "N" "0.000e+00" "0.000e+00" ## widget = uniline; numlines = 20 ! Square-Root Filter ! ------------------ USE_SRFILTER 1 "SquareRoot" ## widget = combobox; cards = SquareRoot Kalman Bayes UDU Cholesky ## default = SquareRoot ! Single-Epoch Solutions ! ---------------------- SINGLE_EPOCH 1 "NO" ## widget = combobox; cards = NO YES L1 L3 PPP ## default = NO DECIMATE_FILTER 0 ## widget = spinbox; range = 1 60 1 ## default = 1 ! Size of gap to reset ambiguities ! -------------------------------- SET_SLIP_AFTER_GAP 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 ! Reject CA observation if L1 missing ! ----------------------------------- CAREJECT_L1MISSING 0 ## widget = checkbox ! Eclipsing Satellites ! -------------------- HANDLE_ECLIPSING_SATELLITES 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = true ## cards = NO_ACTION REJECT EST_AMB EST_ORB ## default = NO_ACTION ! Linear Combination ! ----------------- USE_CODE_GPS 1 "1&2" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF PL ## default = IF USE_PHASE_GPS 1 "1&2" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 WL IF&GF ## default = IF USE_CODE_QZSS 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF PL ## default = IF USE_PHASE_QZSS 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 WL IF&GF ## default = IF USE_CODE_GLONASS 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF PL ## default = IF USE_PHASE_GLONASS 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 WL ## default = IF USE_CODE_GALILEO 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = true ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF ## default = IF USE_PHASE_GALILEO 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = true ## cards = 0 1 5 IF GF 1&5 WL ## default = IF USE_CODE_COMPASS 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 MW MW&IF PL ## default = IF USE_PHASE_COMPASS 1 "0" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = 0 1 2 IF GF 1&2 WL ## default = IF ! A Priori Sigma ! -------------- SIGMA_0_CODE 1 "1.0" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GPS /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_PHASE 1 "0.005" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GPS /= 0 ## default = 0.02 SIGMA_0_QZSS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_QZSS /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_QZSS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_QZSS /= 0 ## default = 0.02 SIGMA_0_GLONASS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GLONASS /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_GLONASS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GLONASS /= 0 ## default = 0.02 SIGMA_0_GALILEO_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GALILEO /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_GALILEO_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GALILEO /= 0 ## default = 0.02 SIGMA_0_COMPASS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_COMPASS /= 0 ## default = 3.0 SIGMA_0_COMPASS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_COMPASS /= 0 ## default = 0.02 USE_CODE_TYPES 0 ## widget = uniline; numlines = 4 ! Elevation-Dependent Weighting ! ----------------------------- ELLWGT_CODE 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = USE_CODE /= 0 ## default = 1 ELLWGT_PHASE 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = USE_PHASE /= 0 ## default = 1 ! Maximal Residuum ! ----------------- MAXRES_CODE 1 "3.0" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GPS /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_PHASE 1 "0.02" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GPS /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_QZSS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_QZSS /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_QZSS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_QZSS /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_GLONASS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GLONASS /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_GLONASS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GLONASS /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_GALILEO_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_GALILEO /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_GALILEO_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_GALILEO /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_COMPASS_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_CODE_COMPASS /= 0 ## default = 10 MAXRES_COMPASS_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = USE_PHASE_COMPASS /= 0 ## default = 0.15 MAXRES_MAXITER 0 ## widget = lineedit; ## default = 999 ! Model parameters to output each epoch ! ------------------------------------- MODEL_OUTPUT 0 ## widget = lineedit ! A Priori Tropospheric Model ! --------------------------- TROPO 1 "UNB3M" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = NONE SAAST MARINI HOPF UNB3M GPT2 ## default = SAAST TROPOMFAPRIORI 1 "GMF_WET" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = INTRINSIC DRY_NIELL GMF_DRY GMF_WET; activeif = TROPO == SAAST ## default = GMF_DRY TROPODRY 1 "0" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = TROPO /= NONE ## default = 0 ! Elevation Mask ! -------------- ELEMASK 1 "10" ## widget = lineedit ## default = 15 ! Time Window ! ----------- TIMWIN 1 "0" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 WINSTART 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TIMWIN == 1 WINEND 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TIMWIN == 1 RESETAMBINTERVAL 0 ## widget = lineedit; ! Ionospheric Parameters ! ---------------------- SIONO_EST 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox SIG_SIONO_0 1 "10.0" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SIONO_EST == 1 SIG_SIONO_P 1 "Inf" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SIONO_EST == 1 SIONO_CONSTRAIN_TYPE 1 "NO" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = NO MINSKEL TINALL TINSAT ## activeif = SIONO_EST == 1 SIONO_CONSTRAIN_SIGMA 1 "0.01" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = SIONO_EST == 1 SIONO_GAPBRIDGING 0 ## widget = checkbox KLOBALPHA_EST 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE /= _ KLOBALPHA_SIG_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE /= _ AND KLOBALPHA_EST == 1 KLOBALPHA_SIG_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE /= _ AND KLOBALPHA_EST == 1 SOLARFLUX_EST 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = IONOMODEL_NEQUICK == 1 SOLARFLUX_SIG_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_NEQUICK == 1 AND SOLARFLUX_EST == 1 SOLARFLUX_SIG_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOMODEL_NEQUICK == 1 AND SOLARFLUX_EST == 1 IONOGRID_EST 0 ## widget = checkbox IONOGRID_SIG_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 IONOGRID_SIG_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 IONOGRID_DLAT 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 IONOGRID_DLON 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 IONOGRID_CONSTRAIN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = IONOGRID_EST /= 0 GIM_EST 1 "NO" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = NO YES PARALLEL SIG_GIM_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST /= NO SIG_GIM_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST /= NO GIM_SIGMA_CODE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST == PARALLEL GIM_SIGMA_PHASE 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST == PARALLEL GIM_SIGMA_SIONO 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = GIM_EST == PARALLEL GIM_MAX_N 0 ## widget = spinbox; range = 0 15 1; activeif = GIM_EST /= NO L2C_BIAS_TRACKMODE 0 ## widget = lineedit TEC_NUMPAR 0 ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 3 6 ## default = 0 SIG_TEC0_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 0 SIG_TEC0_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 0 SIG_TECN_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 1 SIG_TECN_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 1 SIG_TECE_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 1 SIG_TECE_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 1 SIG_TECNN_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECNN_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECNE_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECNE_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECEE_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 SIG_TECEE_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 3 TEC_SATSPEC 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = TEC_NUMPAR > 0 ## default = 0 ! FKP ! --- FKP_EST 0 ## widget = checkbox FKP_SIGMA_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = FKP_A_NE == 1 FKP_SIGMA_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = FKP_A_NE == 1 ! Ambiguity Resolution ! -------------------- AMBRES 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox AMBRES_MINEPO 1 "120" ## widget = lineedit; default = 10 AMBRES_MINELE 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 0 AMBRES_MINSAT 1 "5" ## widget = lineedit; default = 5 AMBRES_REPEAT 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox AMBRES_FIXWL 1 "YES" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = CHECK YES NO AMBRES_MINRATIO 1 "1.5" ## widget = lineedit; default = 1.5 AMBRES_MINRATIO_WL 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = AMBRES_FIXWL /= 0; default = 1.5 AMBRES_MINRATIO_WL_TIN 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = AMBRES_FIXWL /= 0; default = 1.5 AMBRES_MINRATIO_TIN 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 1.5 AMBRES_MAXSHIFT_CONSIDER 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 0.2 AMBRES_MAXSHIFT_ACCEPT 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 0.1 AMBRES_MAXDX 0 ## widget = lineedit; default = 0 AMBRES_TRY_TIN 1 "300" ## widget = lineedit AMBRES_DUMP 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox AMBRES_DUMP_OPT 1 "20/600" ## widget = lineedit AMBRES_GLONASS 0 ## widget = checkbox; default = 0 AMBRES_GALILEO 0 ## widget = checkbox; default = 0 AMBRES_COMPASS 0 ## widget = checkbox; default = 0 ! Estimated Parameters ! -------------------- TROPOMFESTIM 1 "GMF_WET" ## widget = combobox; editable = false ## cards = COSZ WET_NIELL HOPF GMF_WET TROPO_UPDATEAPR 0 ## widget = checkbox TROPO_WHITENOISE 0 ## widget = checkbox SIG_AMB_0 1 "100" ## widget = lineedit ## default = 1000 SIG_AMB_P 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 CONSTRAIN_ZD_AMB 0 ## widget = checkbox ## default = 0 CONSTRAIN_ZD_AMB_MINDDFIX 0 ## widget = lineedit ## default = 0 PAR_RECCLK 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox ## default = 1 SIG_RECCLK_0 1 "1e3" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_RECCLK == 1 ## default = 1e4 SIG_RECCLK_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_RECCLK == 1 ## default = 1e4 PAR_SATCLK 1 "1" ## widget = combobox; editable = false; cards = 0 1 ## default = 1 REF_SATCLK 1 "1" ## widget = checkbox; activeif = PAR_SATCLK /= 0 ## default = 1 SIG_SATCLK_0 1 "1e3" ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_SATCLK /= 0 ## default = 1e4 SIG_SATCLK_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_SATCLK == S SIG_SATCLKVEL_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_SATCLK == L ## default = 1e4 SIG_SATCLKVEL_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_SATCLK == L SIG_R_ORBCORR_0 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_A_ORBCORR_0 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_C_ORBCORR_0 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_R_ORBCORR_P 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_A_ORBCORR_P 0 ## widget = lineedit SIG_C_ORBCORR_P 0 ## widget = lineedit ! Receiver/satellite and LC specific delays ! ----------------------------------------- RECDELAYLIST 1 "Gp2" "1e2" "1e1" "" ## widget = uniline; numlines = 5 SATDELAYLIST 1 "Gc2" "1e2" "1e1" "" ## widget = uniline; numlines = 5 SATDELAY_CONSTRAINIF 0 SATDELAYSMOOTH 0 ## widget = lineedit CODE_BIAS_OUTPUT 0 ## widget = lineedit; path = PTH_RTNET_ATM; ext = NO_EXT ## emptyallowed = true ! Glonass inter-frequency biases ! ----------------------------------------- PAR_IFB 0 ## widget = checkbox; activeif = AMBRES_GLONASS == 1 SIG_IFB_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = AMBRES_GLONASS == 1 ! Glonass inter-system bias ! ----------------------------------------- PAR_ISB_GLONASS 0 ## widget = checkbox SIG_ISB_GLONASS_0 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_ISB_GLONASS == 1 SIG_ISB_GLONASS_P 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = PAR_ISB_GLONASS == 1 SSR_OUTPUT_CLK_ADD_CODE_BIAS 0 ## widget = lineedit SSR_OUTPUT_CLK_ADD_CODE_BIAS_THRESHOLD 0 ## widget = lineedit SSR_OUTPUT_MINOBS 0 ## widget = lineedit SSR_OUTPUT_MINEPOCHS 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_RNXOUTPATH 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_LIST 0 ## widget = uniline; numlines = 5 GRS_OUTSOCKET_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_OUTSOCKET_ONDEMAND_PORT 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_MINSTAFIX 0 ## widget = lineedit GRS_TRKMODE 0 ## widget = uniline; numlines = 4 ! Precise Orbit Determination ! --------------------------- ESTIMATE_ORBITS 0 ## widget = checkbox POD_PRNS 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_GRAVITY_FILE 0 ## widget = selwin; maxfiles = 1; emptyallowed = true POD_GRAV_M_MAX 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_GRAV_N_MAX 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_SIG_POS 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_NOISE_POS 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_SIG_VEL 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_NOISE_VEL 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_EST_DRAG 0 ## widget = checkbox POD_APR_DRAG 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_SIG_DRAG 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = POD_EST_DRAG == 1 POD_NOISE_DRAG 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = POD_EST_DRAG == 1 POD_EST_RAD 0 ## widget = checkbox POD_APR_RAD 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_SIG_RAD 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = POD_EST_RAD == 1 POD_NOISE_RAD 0 ## widget = lineedit; activeif = POD_EST_RAD == 1 POD_POS_CONSTR 0 ## widget = lineedit POD_VEL_CONSTR 0 ## widget = lineedit ! Menu-Keywords ! ------------- ROOT_DIR 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_R/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${P} # GPSDATA_R CAMPAIGN 1 "RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU" ## widget = selwin; selsubdir = true; path = ROOT_DIR; # RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU PTH_RTNET_ATM 0 ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/ATM PTH_RTNET_GEN 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_R/RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU/GEN/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/GEN # GEN PTH_RTNET_ORB 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_R/RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU/ORB/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/ORB # ORB PTH_RTNET_ORB_global 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_R/RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU/ORB/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/ORB # ORB PTH_RTNET_OUT 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_R/RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU/OUT/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/OUT # OUT PTH_RTNET_RAW 0 ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/RAW PTH_RTNET_STA 1 "/home/tester/GPS/GPSDATA_R/RT_NET_KIN_GX_P1P2L1L2_IGU/STA/" ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/STA # STA PTH_RTNET_RNX 0 ## widget = selwin; seldir = true; default = ${ROOT_DIR}/${CAMPAIGN}/RNX EXT_CRD 1 "CRD" ## widget = lineedit; default = CRD EXT_SSR 1 "SSR" ## widget = lineedit; default = SSR EXT_INX 1 "INX" ## widget = lineedit; default = INX EXT_OUT 1 "OUT" ## widget = lineedit; default = OUT EXT_PRE 1 "sp3" ## widget = lineedit; default = SP3 EXT_RXN 1 "??N" ## widget = lineedit; default = ??N EXT_RXO 1 "??o" ## widget = lineedit; default = ??O EXT_RSN 1 "RXN" ## widget = lineedit; default = RXN EXT_RSO 1 "RXO" ## widget = lineedit; default = RXO ! END OF INPUT ! include intro_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ##################################################### # Configurations # # Campaign Root Dir > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # ROOT_DIR # Active Campaign > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # CAMPAIGN # # # Paths to Files: # # Atmospheric (ATM) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_ATM # General (GEN) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_GEN # My Orbits (ORB) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_ORB # System Orbits (ORB) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_ORB_global # Output (OUT) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_OUT # Raw GNSS Data (RAW) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_RAW # RINEX Output (RNX) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_RNX # Station Info (STA) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PTH_RTNET_STA # # # File Extensions: # # Coordinates (CRD) > %%% < Output (OUT) > %%% < # EXT_CRD EXT_OUT # State-Space Repr. (SSR) > %%% < Precise Orbits (SP3) > %%% < # EXT_SSR EXT_PRE # Global Iono Model (INX) > %%% < RINEX Obs Output (RXO) > %%% < # EXT_INX EXT_RSO # RINEX Obs Input (??O) > %%% < RINEX Nav Output (RXN) > %%% < # EXT_RXO EXT_RSN # RINEX Nav Input (??N) > %%% < # EXT_RXN # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Configurations_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ##################################################### # Input Devices 1 # # # # Server: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # SERVER # RINEX File(s): > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < NRT > % < # RNXOBS RNXNRT # # # Time tolerance for epoch identification: > %%%%% < (seconds) # MAXTDIFF # Maximum time to wait for the complete epoch: > %%%%% < (seconds) # MAXTWAIT # Maximum processing delay: > %%%%% < (seconds) # MAXTDELAY # Sampling (general): > %%%%% < (seconds) # MODULOTIME # Sampling (code): > %%%%% < (seconds) # MODULOTIME_CODE # Sleep time before processing (randomized): > %%%%% < (seconds) # RANDOMDELAY # # # Orbits: # # RINEX Navigation File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < clk only > % < # RNXNAV RNXNAV_CLK_ONLY # Orbit max. age (hour) > %%% < # ORB_MAXAGE # Precise Orbits File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < use > %% <-> %% < # PREORB SP3_USE_AFTER_BEG SP3_USE_AFTER_END # External Sat. Clocks. > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # SATCLOCKFILE # Satellite Info > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # SATELL # Satellite Problems > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # SATCRUX # PRN Exclude: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PRNEXCLUDED # # # Coordinates and Info: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # STAINFOFILE # Phase Center Map > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # PHASEMAP # Ocean Loading > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # OCEANLOAD # Atmospheric Tides > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # ATMTIDES # Atmospheric Loading > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # ATMLOADING # Geomagnetic Field (2nd order iono) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # GEOMAG # Pole File (IERS or Bernese Format) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # POLE # GPS-UTC > %%%% < # GPS-UTC # Satellite DCBs P1-P2 (IONEX or *.DCB)> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # DCBFILE_P1P2 # Satellite DCBs P1-C1 (IONEX or *.DCB)> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # DCBFILE_P1C1 # Code Biases (satellite and receiver) > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # CODE_BIAS_INPUT # # # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Input_Devices_Part_1_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ########################################################################### # Input Devices 2 # # # # Orbit, Clock, and other SSR Corrections: # # Input 1: File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < Host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # INP_SSR_FILE INP_SSR_PORT # Input 2: File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < Host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # INP_SSR_FILE_2 INP_SSR_PORT_2 # Input 3: File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < Host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # INP_SSR_FILE_3 INP_SSR_PORT_3 # Input 4: File > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < Host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # INP_SSR_FILE_4 INP_SSR_PORT_4 # # # HRM for systems: IonoS for systems: # # orb clk trp ion G J R E C G J R E C # # Input 1: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_ORB INP_SSR_CLK INP_SSR_TRP INP_SSR_ION INP_SSR_HRM_GPS INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS INP_SSR_IOS_GPS INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS # Input 2: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_ORB_2 INP_SSR_CLK_2 INP_SSR_TRP_2 INP_SSR_ION_2 INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_2 INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_2 INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_2 INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_2 INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_2 INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_2 INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_2 INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_2 INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_2 INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_2 # Input 3: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_ORB_3 INP_SSR_CLK_3 INP_SSR_TRP_3 INP_SSR_ION_3 INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_3 INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_3 INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_3 INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_3 INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_3 INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_3 INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_3 INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_3 INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_3 INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_3 # Input 4: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_ORB_4 INP_SSR_CLK_4 INP_SSR_TRP_4 INP_SSR_ION_4 INP_SSR_HRM_GPS_4 INP_SSR_HRM_QZSS_4 INP_SSR_HRM_GLONASS_4 INP_SSR_HRM_GALILEO_4 INP_SSR_HRM_COMPASS_4 INP_SSR_IOS_GPS_4 INP_SSR_IOS_QZSS_4 INP_SSR_IOS_GLONASS_4 INP_SSR_IOS_GALILEO_4 INP_SSR_IOS_COMPASS_4 # Min SD: >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GPS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_QZSS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GLONASS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_GALILEO INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_COMPASS # Min SD (AR): >%< >%< >%< >%< >%< # INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GPS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_QZSS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GLONASS INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_GALILEO INP_SSR_CORR_MINSDFIX_AMBRES_COMPASS # # # Wait time > %%% < Max Age > %% < # INP_SSR_MAXWAITTIME INP_SSR_CORR_MAXAGE # Constrain: iono > %%%%% < tropo > %%%%% < # INP_SSR_APRSIG_IONO INP_SSR_APRSIG_TROPO # # # Corrections BNC: > %%%%%%% < # RNXNAVCORR_BNC # host:port > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # RNXNAVCORR_BNC_HOSTPORT # file > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # RNXNAVCORR_BNC_FILE # # # Ionospheric Model: # # NeQuick Model > % < Solar Flux > %%%%% < # IONOMODEL_NEQUICK IONOMODEL_NEQUICK_FLUX # Klobuchar Model > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # IONOMODEL_KLOBUCHAR_FILE # IONEX: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # IONOMODEL_IONEX_FILE # # # END_PANEL ########################################################################################## ! include panel_Input_Devices_Part_2_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ###################################################################### # Output Devices # # # # Log File: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < rolling interval > %%%%%% < # SYSOUT SYSOUT_ROLLING # details > %%%%%% < single file > % < # SYSOUT_DETAILS SYSOUT_SINGLE_FILE # print: residual > % < obs info > % < # PRINT_RESID PRINT_OBSINFO # Lambda > % < mark flags > % < # PRINT_LAMBDA PRINT_MARKEDFLAG # # # Output Ports/Files # # port file fmt ssr epo flt sm rolling align (s) # # > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%%%% < > %< >%< >%< >%< > %%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # OUT1_PORT OUT1_FILE OUT1_FMT OUT1_SSR OUT1_EPO OUT1_FLT OUT1_SMOOTHED OUT1_ROLL OUT1_ALIGN # > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%%%% < > %< >%< >%< >%< > %%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # OUT2_PORT OUT2_FILE OUT2_FMT OUT2_SSR OUT2_EPO OUT2_FLT OUT2_SMOOTHED OUT2_ROLL OUT2_ALIGN # > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%%%% < > %< >%< >%< >%< > %%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # OUT3_PORT OUT3_FILE OUT3_FMT OUT3_SSR OUT3_EPO OUT3_FLT OUT3_SMOOTHED OUT3_ROLL OUT3_ALIGN # > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < > %%%%% < > %< >%< >%< >%< > %%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # OUT4_PORT OUT4_FILE OUT4_FMT OUT4_SSR OUT4_EPO OUT4_FLT OUT4_SMOOTHED OUT4_ROLL OUT4_ALIGN # # # Add code bias after > %%%%% < sec Threshold > %%%% < meters # SSR_OUTPUT_CLK_ADD_CODE_BIAS SSR_OUTPUT_CLK_ADD_CODE_BIAS_THRESHOLD # Min. Number of Obs. > %% < # SSR_OUTPUT_MINOBS # Min. Number of Epochs > %% < # SSR_OUTPUT_MINEPOCHS # # # Quality Flg (max RMS) > %%%%% < (Q4) > %%%%% < (Q3) > %%%%% < (Q2) # MAXRMS_Q4 MAXRMS_Q3 MAXRMS_Q2 # Accept Coordinates (3D Sigma) > %%%%% < # ACCEPT_SIGMA_CRD # # # RXO Output Path/Name > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # RXO_OUTPUTPATH # # # END_PANEL ##################################################################################### ! include panel_Output_Devices_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ##################################################### # Processing Options # # # # Use Square-Root Filter > %%%%%%%%%% < # USE_SRFILTER # Compute Epoch Solutions > %%%%% < # SINGLE_EPOCH # Decimate Filter Solution by > %%%%% < # DECIMATE_FILTER # Reset ambiguities after gap > %%%%% < (epochs) # SET_SLIP_AFTER_GAP # Reject CA if L1 missing > % < # CAREJECT_L1MISSING # Eclipsing Satellites > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # HANDLE_ECLIPSING_SATELLITES # # # Observations: # # LC Sigma Max.Res # # GPS code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_GPS SIGMA_0_CODE MAXRES_CODE # GPS phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_GPS SIGMA_0_PHASE MAXRES_PHASE # QZSS code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_QZSS SIGMA_0_QZSS_CODE MAXRES_QZSS_CODE # QZSS phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_QZSS SIGMA_0_QZSS_PHASE MAXRES_QZSS_PHASE # Glonass code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_GLONASS SIGMA_0_GLONASS_CODE MAXRES_GLONASS_CODE # Glonass phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_GLONASS SIGMA_0_GLONASS_PHASE MAXRES_GLONASS_PHASE # Galileo code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_GALILEO SIGMA_0_GALILEO_CODE MAXRES_GALILEO_CODE # Galileo phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_GALILEO SIGMA_0_GALILEO_PHASE MAXRES_GALILEO_PHASE # Compass code: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_CODE_COMPASS SIGMA_0_COMPASS_CODE MAXRES_COMPASS_CODE # Compass phase: > %%%%% < > %%%%% < > %%%%% < # USE_PHASE_COMPASS SIGMA_0_COMPASS_PHASE MAXRES_COMPASS_PHASE # # # Max iterations for residual editing: > %%% < # MAXRES_MAXITER # Elevation-Dependent Weighting: code > % < phase > % < # ELLWGT_CODE ELLWGT_PHASE # # # Tropospheric Model > %%%%%%% < Mapping > %%%%%%%%%% < Dry Part Only > % < # TROPO TROPOMFAPRIORI TROPODRY # # # Elevation Mask > %%%% < (degrees) # ELEMASK # # # Time Window > % < Start > %%%%%%%%%%% < End > %%%%%%%%%%% < (MJD) # TIMWIN WINSTART WINEND # # # Model Output > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # MODEL_OUTPUT # # # Force Tracking Modes: # # > frequency mode_code mode_phase station < # USE_CODE_TYPES # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Processing_Options_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ########################################################################## # Processed Stations # # # # Minimal Number of Observations for Bancroft Algorithm > % < # MINOBS_BANCROFT # # # Tropsphere: Mapping > %%%%%%%%% < # TROPOMFESTIM # Update A Priori > % < # TROPO_UPDATEAPR # White Noise > % < # TROPO_WHITENOISE # # # Quick Start (seconds) > %%% < # QUICKSTART # # #> Name Type sig0_n sig0_e sig0_u sigP_n sigP_e sigP_u tropo sig0_t sigP_t grad sig0_g sigP_g IFB < # STALIST # # # END_PANEL ######################################################################################### ! include panel_Processed_Stations_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ##################################################### # Estimated Parameters 1 # # A Priori Sigmas # # initial prediction # # Ambiguities: resolve > % < > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < cyc # AMBRES SIG_AMB_0 SIG_AMB_P # Constrain ZD > % < Min. fixed DD > %% < # CONSTRAIN_ZD_AMB CONSTRAIN_ZD_AMB_MINDDFIX # Reset Inteval > %%%% < (Testing) # RESETAMBINTERVAL # # # Rec. Clk > % < > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < # PAR_RECCLK SIG_RECCLK_0 SIG_RECCLK_P # Sat. Clk > %%%% < ref.> % < > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < # PAR_SATCLK REF_SATCLK SIG_SATCLK_0 SIG_SATCLK_P # Sat. Clk. Drift > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_SATCLKVEL_0 SIG_SATCLKVEL_P # # # Precise Orbit Determination > % < # ESTIMATE_ORBITS # # # Orbit corrections: Radial > %%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_R_ORBCORR_0 SIG_R_ORBCORR_P # Along track > %%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_A_ORBCORR_0 SIG_A_ORBCORR_P # Cross track > %%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_C_ORBCORR_0 SIG_C_ORBCORR_P # # # Inter-System Biases > % < > %%%%% < > %%%%%% < # PAR_ISB_GLONASS SIG_ISB_GLONASS_0 SIG_ISB_GLONASS_P # # # Receiver delays Satellite delays Smoothing # # > LC sig_0 sig_P C< > LC sig_0 sig_P C< > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # RECDELAYLIST SATDELAYLIST SATDELAYSMOOTH # # # Store estimated biases: > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # CODE_BIAS_OUTPUT # # # Inter-frequency biases (Glonass) # # estimate inter-frequncy biases > % < constrain (m) > %%%% < # PAR_IFB SIG_IFB_0 # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Estimated_Parameters_1_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ########################################################################### # Estimated Ionosphere # # est. A Priori Sigmas # # initial prediction # # Stochastic > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < constr. > %%%%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < gap bridging > % < # SIONO_EST SIG_SIONO_0 SIG_SIONO_P SIONO_CONSTRAIN_TYPE SIONO_CONSTRAIN_SIGMA SIONO_GAPBRIDGING # # # Klobuchar > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # KLOBALPHA_EST KLOBALPHA_SIG_0 KLOBALPHA_SIG_P # # # Solar Flux > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SOLARFLUX_EST SOLARFLUX_SIG_0 SOLARFLUX_SIG_P # # # Grid > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < sat. specific: no # IONOGRID_EST IONOGRID_SIG_0 IONOGRID_SIG_P # dPhi (deg) > %%%% < # IONOGRID_DLAT # dLam (deg) > %%%% < # IONOGRID_DLON # constrain > %%%% < # IONOGRID_CONSTRAIN # # # GIM > %%%%%%%% < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < degree/order > %%% < # GIM_EST SIG_GIM_0 SIG_GIM_P GIM_MAX_N # sigma code > %%%%%% < # GIM_SIGMA_CODE # sigma phase > %%%%%% < # GIM_SIGMA_PHASE # sigma stoch.delay > %%%%%% < # GIM_SIGMA_SIONO # # # L2C bias: tracking mode > %%% < # L2C_BIAS_TRACKMODE # # # TEC Model: > %% < sat. specific > % < # TEC_NUMPAR TEC_SATSPEC # TEC0 > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TEC0_0 SIG_TEC0_P # TECN > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECN_0 SIG_TECN_P # TECE > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECE_0 SIG_TECE_P # TECNN > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECNN_0 SIG_TECNN_P # TECNE > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECNE_0 SIG_TECNE_P # TECEE > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < # SIG_TECEE_0 SIG_TECEE_P # # # FKP: aN, aE > % < > %%%%%%% < > %%%%%% < sat. specific: yes # FKP_EST FKP_SIGMA_0 FKP_SIGMA_P # # # END_PANEL ########################################################################################## ! include panel_Estimated_Parameters_2_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL AMBRES == 1 ###################################################### # Ambiguity Resolution # # # # Glonass > % < Galileo > % < Compass > % < # AMBRES_GLONASS AMBRES_GALILEO AMBRES_COMPASS # # # Minimum number of: epochs > %%%% < ambiguities > %%%% < # AMBRES_MINEPO AMBRES_MINSAT # Minimal elevation (degrees) > %%%% < # AMBRES_MINELE # Repeat reduced sets > % < Fix wide-lane > %%%% < # AMBRES_REPEAT AMBRES_FIXWL # Minimal Ratios: narrow-lane > %%%% < wide-lane > %%%% < # AMBRES_MINRATIO AMBRES_MINRATIO_WL # Maximal Shift: consider > %%%% < accept > %%%% < # AMBRES_MAXSHIFT_CONSIDER AMBRES_MAXSHIFT_ACCEPT # Max Diff. wrt A Priori Coordinates > %%%% < # AMBRES_MAXDX # # # Try TIN Baselines up to (km) > %%% < # AMBRES_TRY_TIN # TIN Minimal Ratio: narrow-lane > %%%% < wide-lane > %%%% < # AMBRES_MINRATIO_TIN AMBRES_MINRATIO_WL_TIN # # # Dump > % < # AMBRES_DUMP # Minimal elevation/Min. fix period > %%%%%%%%% < # AMBRES_DUMP_OPT # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_Ambiguity_Resolution_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL NO_CONDITION ##################################################### # Virtual Reference Stations # # # # Generate GRS Data RINEX Path > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < # GRS_RNXOUTPATH # Port (predefined) > %%%% < # GRS_OUTSOCKET_PORT # Port (on-demand) > %%%% < # GRS_OUTSOCKET_ONDEMAND_PORT # Min. fixed stations > %%%% < # GRS_MINSTAFIX # # # > ID__ _________X_(m) _________Y_(m) _________Z_(m) ______antennaID_ < # GRS_LIST # # # GRS Tracking Mode # # > Frequency ___mode_ID < # GRS_TRKMODE # END_PANEL #################################################################### ! include panel_GRS_Info_RTNET_INP.xml # BEGIN_PANEL ESTIMATE_ORBITS == 1 ############################################# # Precise Orbit Determination # # # # Satellites > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < (blank = all) # POD_PRNS # # # Gravity Field > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < degree > %%% < order > %%% < # POD_GRAVITY_FILE POD_GRAV_N_MAX POD_GRAV_M_MAX # # # A Priori Sigmas # # est. apr. val initial prediction # # Initial Position > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < (r,a,o) # POD_SIG_POS POD_NOISE_POS # Initial Velocity > %%%%%% < > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% < (r,a,o) # POD_SIG_VEL POD_NOISE_VEL # Atmospheric Drag > % < > %%%% < > %%%%%% < > %%%%% < # POD_EST_DRAG POD_APR_DRAG POD_SIG_DRAG POD_NOISE_DRAG # Radiation Pressure > % < > %%%% < > %%%%%% < > %%%%% < # POD_EST_RAD POD_APR_RAD POD_SIG_RAD POD_NOISE_RAD # # # Constrain Position > %%%%% < # POD_POS_CONSTR # Constrain Velocity > %%%%% < # POD_VEL_CONSTR # END_PANEL ####################################################################